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Fem publicerade kliniska studier (dubbelblinda, placebokontrollerade och randomiserade) av det unika, patenterade nyponpulvret med galaktolipiden GOPO® har visat en signifikant effekt på människor.
Under 2000-talet har man även börjat studera djursidan, genom forskarna Hamburger/Falk-Rønne/Kharazmi/Winther/ Rein/Winther. Bland annat studerades 44 travare, fullt friska, vältränade och aktiva hästar. Gruppen som fick LitoVet jämfördes med en placebogrupp (som fick overksamt pulver), och man kunde då konstera att de resultat man tidigare kunnat visa på människa, verkade infinna sig även hos häst.
Idag finns tre vetenskapliga artiklar om LitoVet och effekten på hästars rörlighet, samt en in vitro-studie på den patenterade galaktolipiden GOPO®.
Travhästars rörlighet (bidrag till vetenskaplig workshop):
A randomized, placebocontrolled, doubleblind study on the effect of subspecies of rose hip (rosa canina) on the immune system, working capacity and behaviour of horses.
Hamburger D, Falk-Rønne J, Kharazmi A, Winther A, Rein E, and Winther K.
The Horseclinic at Lunden, Charlottenlund, Department of Clinical Microbiology,
Rigshospitaltet, Institute for Clinical Research and Education, Bredgade 12,
Kolding and Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen County Hospital in
Gentofte, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
OARSI, Rome, September 19-21 2009. I sin helhet även publicerad i The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses. 5th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Cirencester, UK, 19-22 September, 2010, pp. 283-287 (additional Title Information EAAP Publications No. 128, ISBN978-90-8686-155-2, Record Number 20113075634).
Det effektiva upptaget av C-vitamin (publicerad studie):
The absorption of natural vitamin C in horses and anti-oxidative capacity: a randomised, controlled study on trotters during a three-month intervention period
K. Winther, A. Kharazmi, A.S.V. Hansen and J. Falk-Rønne
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Nordre Fasanvej 57, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark;
Department of Microbiology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark;
Institute for Plant Biology and Biotechnology, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg, Denmark;
The Horse Clinic at Lunden, Ordrup Jagtvej 201, 2920 Charlottenlund, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Comparative Exercise Physiology,2012;8(3/4):195-201
Effekten av GOPO® (publicerad studie):
Joseph Schwager, Natalie Richard and Sven Wolfram.
DMS Nutritional Products, Department of Nutrition and Health, Switzerland.
OARSI, Rome, September 19-21. Även publicerad i sin helhet under titel "Rose hip and its constituent galactolipids confer cartilage protection by modulating cytokine, and chemokine expression", BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:105.
Vikten av att använda hela nyponet, d v s även kärnorna (konferensbidrag):
The anti-inflammatory capacity of rose-hip is strongly dependent on the seeds – a comparison of animal and human studies.
C. Marstrand, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Horsens Hosp., Horsens, DENMARK,
L Warholm, Dept. of Trauma and Acute Med., Horsens Hosp., Horsens, DENMARK,
A. Kharasmi, Dept. of Microbiol.,, Copenhagen, DENMARK ,
K Winther, Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, Frederiksberg Hosp., DENMARK.
OARSI, Philadelphia, USA, April 18-21 2013.
Under andra halvan av 1990-talet började ett antal forskare under ledning av chefsöverläkare Kaj Winther vid Frederiksbergs sjukhus/Köpenhamns Universitet intressera sig för ett speciellt nyponpulver som var omtalat för sin goda effekt på lederna. Resultatet har blivit fem kliniska, publicerade studier med entydigt goda resultat och världsomspännande patent av bl a galaktolipiden GOPO och torknings- och malningsmetoden som bevarar nyponets goda egenskaper. Närmare 500 patienter har deltagit i studierna.
Patenten ägs av Köpenhamns Universitet, Rigshospitalet i Köpenhamn, Dansk Lantbruksforskning och tillverkaren Hyben Vital A/S. Det är endast det GOPO-rika nyponpulvret från Hyben Vital som använts vid samtliga publicerade studier.
Rose-hip powder that contains the natutal amount of shells and seeds alleviates pain in osteoarthritis of the dominant hand – a randimozed, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical trial.
K Winther, J Cambell-Tofte, P Hansen. Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases, juli 2013.
The anti-inflammatory capacity of rose-hip is strongly dependent on the seeds – a comparison of animal and human studies.
C. Marstrand, L Warholm, A. Kharasmi, K Winther. OARSI, Philadelphia, USA, April 18-21 2013.
The effects of rose hip (Rosa canina) on plasma antioxidative activity and C-reactive protein in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and normal controls: a prospective cohort study.
Kirkeskov B, et al.Phytomedicine, 2011 Aug 15; 18 (11) 953-8, 2011.
Rose hip herbal remedy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a randomised controlled trial.
Willich S.N, et al.Phytomedicine 17 (2010) 87–93
Efficacy of glucosamine hydrochloride or specialized rosehip powder in osteoarthritis patients: An indirect comparison metaanalysis.
Christensen R, et al. OARSI 2009.
A standardized powder made from rosehips (Rosa canina, L) improves function and reduces pain and the consumption of rescue medication in osteoarthritis.
Winther K, et al. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (2008), 16, supplement 1, S8-S9, 2008
Laboratory and preclinical studies on the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of rose-hip powder – Identification and characterization of the active component GOPO.
Kharazmi, A. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (2008), 16, Supplement 1, S5-S7, 2008
Can patients with rheumatoid arthritis benefit from the herbal remedy Rose-Hip?
Rossnagel K, Roll S, Wagner A et al. Presentation at EULAR congress in Barcelona, June 2007.
A powder made from seeds and shells of a rose-hip subspecies (Rosa canina) reduces symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Winther K, Apel K, Thamsborg G. Scand J Rheumatol 34: 302-8; 2005.
A herbal remedy, Hyben Vital (stand. powder of a subspecies of Rosa canina fruits), reduces pain and improves general well-being in patients with osteoarthritis - a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial.
Rein E, Kharazmi A, Winther K. Phytomedicine 11: 383-91; 2004.
An Antiinflammatory Galactolipid from Rose Hip (Rosa canina) that Inhibits Chemotaxis of Human Peripheral Blood Neutrophils in vitro.
Larsen E, Kharazmi A, Christensen LP, et al. J Nat Prod 66:994-5; 2003
The Effects of a Standardized Herbal Remedy made from a Subtype of Rosa Canina in Patients with Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Warholm O, Skaar S, Hedman E, et al. Current Therapeutic Research 64:21-31; 2003
A herbal remedy, Hyben Vital, reduces joint pain, stiffness and the consumption of paracetamol in middle-aged women.
Winther K, Rein E, Kharazmi A. 10th World Congress on the Menopause, Berlin, June 2002
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. cross-over trial of the herbal remedy HypenVital in patients with osteoarthritis.
Thamsborg G, Rein E, Winther K, et al. European Congress on Osteoarthritis (EULAR), Stockholm, June 10-15, 2002
An herbal remedy, Hyben Vital, reduces pain and improves flexion and rotation of the hip in patients suffering from severe osteoarthrosis.
Warholm O, Skaar S, Hedman E, et al. First Internationel Conference on Complementary Alternative & Integrative Medicine Research, San Francisco, May 17-19, 2001